Kein Mediaplan ohne Radio!
Die Gattung Radio – oder wie es umfassender und moderner heißt: Audio – spürt seit einiger Zeit einen deutlichen Rückenwind. Dies hat mit neuen Trends wie der immer weitreichenderen Entwicklung von Spracheingabesystemen und Smart Speakern zu tun. Zudem liefert Audio, im Gegensatz zu anderen Gattungen, stabile Reichweiten und das in nahezu allen Zielgruppen. Aber auch die bekannten Qualitäten von Audiowerbung, wie der eindeutige Wirknachweis und der Höhe ROI, sprechen für sich und sind in zunehmend unsicheren Zeiten ein stabiler Anker im Medienkosmos.
Dies hat die europäische Radioorganisation egta zum Anlass genommen, die Qualitäten und aktuellen Studien zur Gattung Audio zusammen zufassen. In einem Gastbeitrag beleuchtet der Director Radio der egta Yuri Loburets die Ergebnisse.

Why audio is a must have part of the media mix in 2019. What each marketer needs to know.
The week of World Radio Day, celebrated this Wednesday, February 13, is the perfect moment to showcase the strength and unique positioning of audio and radio in the communication landscape of 2019. Out of dozens of arguments in favour of audio marketing and literally hundreds of pieces of research which prove the effectiveness of radio advertising across more than 40 countries where egta members operate, I picked up just five key reasons why audio has to be an essential part of marketing in 2019.
Here are five main reasons for marketers to invest a share of the advertising budget in proven reach broadcast radio, online audio and podcasts to see for themselves that audio is a great campaign ROI multiplier:
1) Audio is BIG, it keeps growing and it provides mass reach across all demographics. Whatever product or services you have to sell – your target audience is already someone’s listeners.
- Broadcast radio reaches more than 70% of Europeans every day;
- 61% of global music listeners use online music streaming services;
- 1/3 of adults in Europe listen to podcasts;

2) Audio is EVERYWHERE – from conventional radio receivers to smartphones, audio is available through hundreds of devices, including smart speakers, TVs, game consoles, tablets, wearables and wireless headphones. There are much more audio devices than video ones. And unlike with video or banner advertising, the same audio spot copy works well on any platform or any device.

3) Audio is ON when screens are OFF – an exclusive way to reach people during their screen-free time. With the proliferation of smart speakers, wireless headphones and smartwatches these unique touchpoints have expanded far beyond the traditional in-car monopoly of audio – from swimming pools and gyms to city walks, public transport and offices.

4) Audio is ON when screens are ON – you cannot read this post and simultaneously watch a video commercial, but you definitely can listen to the radio or stream your favourite music. Audio has its own door into our mind and it gets our attention even when in background mode. It amplifies mood and boosts productivity. And doubles the advertising effect.
And summarising all the above here is our key argument number 5:
5) Audio is a FANTASTIC overall campaign ROI MULTIPLIER. Whatever media mix you use, whether it’s call-to-action or a brand building campaign – a well planned and executed audio campaign will boost general results.
Audio marketing is developing fast and there are lots of innovative solutions for radio, podcasts and online audio advertising. So, go and challenge your agency and sales house on how audio can boost your marketing in 2019.
Weitere Informationen können Sie auch der egta-Homepage zum World Radio Day entnehmen.
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