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egta-Daten bestä­ti­gen die aktu­ell star­ken Radio-Reichweiten 

Die Stär­ke des Radios als ver­trau­ens­wür­di­ge Quel­le für Infor­ma­tio­nen und Unter­hal­tung zeigt sich gera­de jetzt in der unsi­che­ren Kri­sen­zeit. Hohe Radio-Reich­wei­ten sind die Folge. Dazu hat Yuri Lobu­rets (Direc­tor Radio bei der egta) die Hörer­da­ten vom März 2020 analysiert.

Beitragsbild zum Artikel "egta-Daten bestätigen die aktuell starken Radio-Reichweiten"
Quel­le: Pix­a­bay von krzysztof‑m (modi­fi­ziert durch STUDIO GONG)

Vor­wort Andre­as Lang

Radio stellt zur­zeit ein­drucks­voll unter Beweis, wie groß sein Public Value ist. Die Radio-Reich­wei­ten stei­gen aktu­ell dras­tisch. Gera­de bei den digi­ta­len Kanä­len lässt es sich direkt an den Zugrif­fen auf die Web­sei­ten, Apps und Streams able­sen. Aber auch im Broad­cast stei­gen die Reich­wei­ten durch die In-House-Nut­zung. Dass die­ser Effekt nicht nur bei unse­ren Sen­dern, son­dern glo­bal auf­tritt, belegt Yuri Lobu­rets, der Direc­tor Radio bei der egta (dem euro­päi­schen TV- und Audio-Sales-Ver­band) ist. Seine inter­es­san­ten Erfah­rungs­be­rich­te stellt er in sei­nem aktu­el­len Gast­bei­trag vor.

Linie Gastbeitrag

Radio reach is as strong and resi­li­ent as ever

Foto Yuri Loburets
Quel­le: Yuri Loburets

Radio reach and time spent lis­tening are as strong and resi­li­ent as ever during the first weeks of covid-19 lock­downs in Euro­pe and in the US.

The March radio lis­tening data from egta radio mem­bers in Euro­pe cle­ar­ly show that radio once again pro­ves its strength as a trus­ted source of infor­ma­ti­on, enter­tain­ment and reassu­rance that peo­p­le rely on, espe­ci­al­ly in a time like this. In its com­pi­la­ti­on of lis­tening data from Bel­gi­um, Den­mark, Fin­land, Ger­ma­ny, Ire­land, Nor­way, Rus­sia, South Afri­ca, Swe­den, the UK and the US, egta shows that peo­p­le spent signi­fi­cant­ly more time with radio during the first weeks of lock­downs and while working from home.

Here are just some of the examp­les how radio lis­tening boos­ted in March:

  • Time spent lis­tening among radio lis­ten­ers in Nor­way, the Net­her­lands and Swe­den has increased by 14 %, 13 % and 8 % cor­re­spon­din­gly in the second half of March
  • 8 out of 10 respond­ents lis­ten to radio more or for the same amount of time (data from the US and Russia)

Grafik 1 zum Artikel "egta-Daten bestätigen die aktuell starken Radio-Reichweiten"

Grafik 2 zum Artikel "egta-Daten bestätigen die aktuell starken Radio-Reichweiten"

  • Public radio broad­cas­ters in Bel­gi­um, Swe­den and the UK report an increase in lis­tening, also among youn­ger lis­ten­ers, as peo­p­le are tur­ning to trus­ted media more than ever befo­re. “A quar­ter of Fle­mish lis­ten­ers lis­ten to radio more than befo­re the cri­sis. This is espe­ci­al­ly the case in the 25 to 44 age group” a study by Fle­mish public broad­cas­ter shows.

Espe­ci­al­ly lis­tening to online radio is signi­fi­cant during the crises

The COVID-19 boost in lis­tening is espe­ci­al­ly signi­fi­cant for online radio lis­tening which demons­tra­tes dou­ble-digit uplift in con­sump­ti­on as lis­ten­ers are shif­ting to their PCs, mobi­les and smart spea­k­ers for news, music and com­pa­n­ion­ship that radio tra­di­tio­nal­ly provides:

  • 156 % increase in Alexa flash news brie­fings was obser­ved by Glo­bal UK tog­e­ther with a 11 % over­all increase in radio lis­tening across its enti­re com­mer­cial radio brand portfolio.
  • DPG Media in Bel­gi­um regis­tered a +39 % over­all increase in online lis­tening and 66 % increase for Qmu­sic radio.
  • Com­mu­ni­corp in Ire­land has repor­ted that lis­ten­ers are spen­ding 45 % more time with their sta­ti­ons and that reach has increased by 32 % (see below).

Grafik 3 zum Artikel "egta-Daten bestätigen die aktuell starken Radio-Reichweiten"

More examp­les are available in egta com­pi­la­ti­on.


Radio has always been a super reac­ti­ve and dyna­mic medi­um and we see how radio sta­ti­ons around the world are swift­ly adjus­ting their pro­gramming and com­mer­cial acti­vi­ties to pro­vi­de both lis­ten­ers and adver­ti­sers with spe­cial ser­vices they now need the most: relia­ble infor­ma­ti­on, inter­ac­ti­vi­ty, reassu­rance, fun and call-to-action mes­sa­ges of social respon­si­bi­li­ty and com­mu­ni­ty sup­port. The­r­e­fo­re, rela­ti­onship bet­ween sta­ti­ons, lis­ten­ers and brands are only streng­the­ned during the cur­rent  COVID-19 crisis.

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Quel­le: Gra­fi­ken für den Gast­bei­trag von Yuri Lobu­rets (egta) zur Ver­fü­gung gestellt

Alle Autoren 

Andre­as Lang 


Micha­el Reuter 


Mari­na Regulin 

Mar­ke­ting-Mana­ge­rin Kommunikation

Julia Marks 

Mar­ke­ting-Mana­ge­rin New Business

Jes­si­ca Köhler 

Team-Assis­ten­tin Kommunikation

Sabi­ne Rost 

Assis­tenz der Mar­ke­ting- und Verkaufsleitung

Cari­na Bauer 

Mar­ke­ting-Mana­ge­rin Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on

Katha­ri­na Zeschke 
