egta-Daten bestätigen die aktuell starken Radio-Reichweiten
Die Stärke des Radios als vertrauenswürdige Quelle für Informationen und Unterhaltung zeigt sich gerade jetzt in der unsicheren Krisenzeit. Hohe Radio-Reichweiten sind die Folge. Dazu hat Yuri Loburets (Director Radio bei der egta) die Hörerdaten vom März 2020 analysiert.

Vorwort Andreas Lang
Radio stellt zurzeit eindrucksvoll unter Beweis, wie groß sein Public Value ist. Die Radio-Reichweiten steigen aktuell drastisch. Gerade bei den digitalen Kanälen lässt es sich direkt an den Zugriffen auf die Webseiten, Apps und Streams ablesen. Aber auch im Broadcast steigen die Reichweiten durch die In-House-Nutzung. Dass dieser Effekt nicht nur bei unseren Sendern, sondern global auftritt, belegt Yuri Loburets, der Director Radio bei der egta (dem europäischen TV- und Audio-Sales-Verband) ist. Seine interessanten Erfahrungsberichte stellt er in seinem aktuellen Gastbeitrag vor.
Radio reach is as strong and resilient as ever

Radio reach and time spent listening are as strong and resilient as ever during the first weeks of covid-19 lockdowns in Europe and in the US.
The March radio listening data from egta radio members in Europe clearly show that radio once again proves its strength as a trusted source of information, entertainment and reassurance that people rely on, especially in a time like this. In its compilation of listening data from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the UK and the US, egta shows that people spent significantly more time with radio during the first weeks of lockdowns and while working from home.
Here are just some of the examples how radio listening boosted in March:
- Time spent listening among radio listeners in Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden has increased by 14 %, 13 % and 8 % correspondingly in the second half of March
- 8 out of 10 respondents listen to radio more or for the same amount of time (data from the US and Russia)
- Bauer Media (UK) in its COVID-19 INSIGHT on changing behaviour in challenging times reports that 17 % of respondents are listening to more radio with 83 % saying it keeps them informed
- Public radio broadcasters in Belgium, Sweden and the UK report an increase in listening, also among younger listeners, as people are turning to trusted media more than ever before. “A quarter of Flemish listeners listen to radio more than before the crisis. This is especially the case in the 25 to 44 age group” a study by Flemish public broadcaster shows.
Especially listening to online radio is significant during the crises
The COVID-19 boost in listening is especially significant for online radio listening which demonstrates double-digit uplift in consumption as listeners are shifting to their PCs, mobiles and smart speakers for news, music and companionship that radio traditionally provides:
- 156 % increase in Alexa flash news briefings was observed by Global UK together with a 11 % overall increase in radio listening across its entire commercial radio brand portfolio.
- DPG Media in Belgium registered a +39 % overall increase in online listening and 66 % increase for Qmusic radio.
- Communicorp in Ireland has reported that listeners are spending 45 % more time with their stations and that reach has increased by 32 % (see below).
More examples are available in egta compilation.
Radio has always been a super reactive and dynamic medium and we see how radio stations around the world are swiftly adjusting their programming and commercial activities to provide both listeners and advertisers with special services they now need the most: reliable information, interactivity, reassurance, fun and call-to-action messages of social responsibility and community support. Therefore, relationship between stations, listeners and brands are only strengthened during the current COVID-19 crisis.
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- “Audiotrends 2019” Erleben – beim Radio Advertising Summit” von Juliane Henze
- “Kein Mediaplan ohne Radio!” von Yuri Loburets
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- „Funkwerbung? Nee, hast nicht ’ne coole Idee für Deckenhänger?“ von Matthias Lührsen
Quelle: Grafiken für den Gastbeitrag von Yuri Loburets (egta) zur Verfügung gestellt
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